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LXPB-880*550 Medium Separator Machine, LXPB-880*550 中型冷冻分离机

产品名称:LXPB-880*550 Medium Separator Machine, LXPB-880*550 中型冷冻分离机




This machine is a style of medium-sized ultra–low temperature frozen separator machine, independently developed based on the small-sized ultra–low temperature frozen separator machine according to users’ actual requests. The lowest temperature of the unit can reach up to -160 without using liquid Nitrogen as refrigerant. It is widely used to separate out glass, TP,back-light, OCA, LOCA, bracket from various damaged LCD modules (including mobile phone, laptop, Ipad, TV, etc). It is really a good helper for the LCD screen reparation, rework, refurbishment, recycling industry. Our machines have the following characteristics: 


1.)Separate out glass from the damaged Laptop, IPad, Mobile phone LCD module.

1.) 从损坏的笔记本电脑、iPad、手机LCD模块中分离出玻璃。

2.)Separate out OCA glue from the damaged Laptop, IPad, Mobile phone LCD module.

2.) 从损坏的笔记本电脑、iPad、手机液晶模块中分离出oca胶水。

3.)Separate out TP from the damaged Laptop, IPad, Mobile phone LCD module.

3.) TP从损坏的笔记本电脑、iPad、手机液晶模块中分离出来。

4.)Separate out back-light for IPhone, for Samsung, for LG, for IPAD Pro, for IPAD6, etc.

4.) 可以为iPhone、三星、LGiPad ProiPad 6等品牌手机分离出背光。

5.)Separate out frame from the damaged Laptop, IPad, Mobile phone LCD module.

5.) 将支架从损坏的笔记本电脑、iPad、手机液晶模块中分离出来。

6.)No need to change the polarizer film.

6.) 不需要更换偏光片

7.)Can keep the back-light (be careful, easily damaged), also can take offthe back-light.

7.) 可以保留背光(小心,容易损坏),也可以取下背光。

8.)High efficiency. No components damage during the LCD module separating process.

8.) 效率高, 在液晶模块分离过程中没有元件损坏。

Operation Instructions: 操作说明

1.)Before using, it will take the machine around 3040 minutes to cool to the set working temperature.

1.) 使用前,要花大约30~40分钟左右让机器冷却至设定工作温度。

2.)Place the LCD screen on the frozen plate.

2.) 将液晶屏放置在冷冻板上。

3.)Freezing time from 30 seconds to 1 minute depends on different LCD screens.

3.) 冻结时间从30秒到1分钟取决于不同的液晶屏幕。

4.)Take out LCD screen and separate it.

4.) 取出液晶屏并将其分开。

5.)Below is the URL of Youku video link for your reference:

5.) 以下是优酷视频链接的URL,供您参考http://i.youku.com/i/UMzYwNzc0OTg4NA==?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0

Tips: 提示

1.)For serious crushed glass, please stick a tape on glass for safety and good for machine

1.) 如有严重碎玻璃,请在玻璃上贴上胶带,以确保安全及对机器有利。

2.)Please make sure the operator wears gloves in case of danger.

2.) 为防止发生危险,请确保操作人员戴手套。

3.)It is much easier to separate out the bracket and other components after freezing processing. Please pay attention to the back-light water inlet.

3.) 在冷冻处理后,更容易分离出支架和其它部件。请注意背光入水口。

4.)After separating the LCD screen, pay attention to the water treatment and temperature recovery.

4.) 液晶屏分离后,注意水的处理和温度的回收。

5.)When separating the curved screen, the separation risk caused by the temperature difference between 2 sides of the curved surface screen. Please pay more attention to this point.

5.) 曲线筛分离时,由于曲面屏两侧温差引起的分离风险。请注意这一点。

6.)After LCD separation, please put the glue side upward to avoid sticking on the article surface after the temperature return to the normal.

6.) 液晶显示器分离后,请将胶水侧向上放置,以避免杂物粘在胶水表面上,并且让屏温度恢复正常。

Product Parameters:

Product description
LXPB-880*550 Medium Separator Machine
Appearance overall size(MM)
Actual size of frozen(MM)
Working voltage/frequency
380V / 50HZ, 220V / 60HZ
6 Kw
Cooling performance
No-load pre-cooling time
Environmental mixed refrigerants
Cooling way
Air cooling
Environment temperature
Lead time
Within 7 days
Li Xiang Refrigeration


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